Wednesday, January 30, 2008


These are some of the things I was thinking about driving into work the other day. This is not a test and you don't win anything if you answer the following:

Why when you are in a hurry you get behind everyone that just decided to drive slow that day?

Why when it rains people think they are suppose to drive very fast and crazy?

Why do people in fancy cars act like you are to get out of their way when they are blowing past you like you are sitting still?

Why does a dog go around and around before he sits down?

Why do people talk in their sleep or sleep walk?

Why when you are just so sleepy you still can't fall asleep?

Why is it you teach your children not to talk to strangers, but strangers talk them standing in a grocery check out line?

Why is it you can get to work on time, but you can't make it to church on time?

Why do you flip and flip through the channels to find something to watch and there is nothing on, but you still keep flipping? Like something new is going to come on!!!!

Why is it you can make a wal-mart run and get home to find out you just ran out of something that you really need and didn't know you needed it?

Why is it you make a grocery list and you don't stick to it?

Why or How is it the longer you are married to your partner you start to look like that person? This does happen. My parents look alike (50 years next year) and so does Kyle's parents (52 years this year).

Why did I think about these things the other day? Heck, I don't know I was just in my own little world.......................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know why those things happen but they sure do. I am glad you found my blog come back anytime. See you bright and early Saturday.