Sunday, March 23, 2008


We started a long weekend off on Thursday. We headed to Pascagoula to visit MeMom and Papaw Epting. We got there very late, but the children stayed asleep through the night. We woke up Friday with a full plate of activities that MeMom had planned for us. Mamie, MeMom and I dyed Easter eggs. Nolan came in to see what we were doing and he dyed an egg or two before leaving with Papaw and Kyle to run some errands. MeMom, Mamie and I went for a ride just to get out of the house and came back just in time for CRAWFISH!!! After crawfish Mamie, Nolan and MeMom drove the golf cart. I think they rode on it for about two to three hours. They had so much fun. You could hear them laughing and cutting up. At one time I heard Mamie laughing saying she almost ran into a tree. Max ran along side and even caught a ride. Papaw and Klye put together some shelves for Papaw's office. I just sat in the sun and enjoyed what was going on around me. After putting the shelves together Papaw, Mamie, Nolan and I got in the golf cart again, and took Kyle to a trail to ride his dirt bike. After a fun filled day we got ready to get some good seafood and then headed back to the house and all went sound asleep. We woke up Saturday and headed to MeMaw and Pop Ainsworth's house in Wiggins. There we had a wonderful meal with all Kyle's siblings. We had such a wonderful day, we spent it outside all day long, and I mean all day long. The smaller ones hunted eggs, and played until they couldn't play anymore. Then Easter Sunday came and so did the Easter Bunny. Nolan got a Buzz Light Year and some other small stuff and Mamie got a Friendshp Bracelet making kit and some small stuff as well. We all got ready for Church and off we went. All in all we had such a wonderful long weekend. That is the first time in a long time that we actually got to go to Pascagoula and Wiggins for Easter. Here are some pics from the weekend and yes I did get a picture of Kyle on his bike.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Just for the fun of it - My Man

1. Who is your man? Kyle

2. How long have you been together? We have been married 10 years May 30th. But started dating in 1992. So really 16 years.

3. How long did you date? 6 1/2 years.

4. How old is your man? 39 he will be the BIG 40 in August!!!!!

5. Who eats more? KYLE!!!!!

6. Who said "I love you" first? ME, ME, ME. I still say it first....

7. Who is taller? Kyle

8. Who sings better? we both do. ha, ha, ha!!!!!!!!! we don't sing..................

9. Who is smarter? Kyle

10. Whose temper is worse? Mine

11. Who does the laundry? I do, but Kyle folds and puts them away. He washes his dress shirts and dress pants.

12. Who takes out the garbage? Kyle. I will not touch it.....

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Well, if you are looking at the bed I do, but if you are laying down Kyle does. Ha!!

14. Who pays the bills? Kyle

15. Who is better with the computer? I guess I could say both of us are pretty good at it.

16. Who mows the lawn? Kyle - I don't think he would let me do it. I know he can't wait until Nolan is old enough to do it though......

17. Who cooks dinner? me - I love to cook.

18. Who drives when you are together? Kyle. He hates for me to drive and I hate to drive.
He calls me a grandma drive..

19. Who pays when you go out? Kyle most of the time, but I do every once in awhile....

20. Who is most stubborn? BOTH

21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Neither

22. Whose parents do you see the most? His

23. Who kissed who first? It might have been me. I can't remember...

24. Who asked who out? I asked Kyle out, but he will say he asked me out first.

25. Who proposed? Kyle

26. Who is more sensitive? ME - I will cry at the drop of a hat...

27. Who has more friends? I think we both have about the same number of friends.

28. Who has more siblings? Kyle has 2 older brothers and 1 older sister and I have 2 older sisters. So to answer the question Kyle does........


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Snow in Ridgeland!!

Here are some pictures of Mamie, Nolan and Max playing in the snow last weekend. Mamie woke us up at 6:30 Saturday morning to tell us that it had snowed. She was so excited about it. Nolan and Max didn't know what to think about it. I caught Nolan tasting the snow from the table. He said it was cold.....
Oh, Max is the dog if any of you didn't know...

Picture Post!!

I don't have that much to say, just thought I would post some pics I have taken over the last couple of weeks.................

Doughnuts with daddy..

Boy this looks good.................

We know how to wash a car!!!!

I am sooooo sleepy.............

Judge Carlton came to read to my class 3/3/08 for read across America week. She read one of my favorite books "Pinkalicious" (this is mommy's new boss)