Sunday, May 11, 2008

MOTHER'S DAY 2008!!!!!

I kind of have to laugh at the term of "Mothers Day". Why if it is mother's day, I got up made coffee, ironed the children's clothes for church, got one child ready for church and even took the dog out, which I might add I don't like doing and told husband this when SANTA brought it a year ago. While all this was going on husband was still sleeping, got up played on the computer, drank a cup of coffee, took shower and at least got one child ready for church. We went to church and it was a wonderful service, husband took us out to eat and now we are home watching girls softball let me add that I can't stand softball. Again, I laugh at "MOTHER'S DAY". Why are we doing everything husband wants to do. Now husband gets a call from a friend that has a Harley Davidson motor cycle that is about to come over for HIM to ride today. My "MOTHER'S DAY" will come tomorrow when I don't have to go to work and I GET TO DO WHAT I WANT TO DO with nobody here I have to watch after. Does this mean on "FATHER'S DAY" mothers get to do what we want to do? I really don't think that will happen. Oh, well I am going to enjoy my day anyway, enough though if it means me still doing MOTHER things that have to be done.

1 comment:

Tommy, Suzanne, and Mary Peyton said...

amen. your stranger friend feels your pain. preach on.....

sometimes we just have to vent. don't worry - it's o.k.