Monday, September 29, 2008


Last night was the 1st grade Bible presentation at church. Mamie was so excited, I don't think she really understood what this was all about, but I explained to her that Brother Ronnie was going to give her a Bible. She just said "oh, o.k.". All the 1st graders lined up and marched into the church and Mr. Ben called them out one by one, Brother Ronnie shook their hand and gave them a Bible. Mamie looks so proud holding onto her "Red Bible" (as she likes to call it). She said that she will "Cherish it forever".


The Fab Five said...

Lost a tooth.. gained a Bible.. sounds like a good trade to me!

ADBulldawgs said...

I know this isn't really the point of the whole Bible thing... but I LOVED Mamie's outfit last night. She looked good receiving her Bible!

Jennifer R. said...

These are the things that always stick out in our memories. She is precious!