Tuesday, October 28, 2008

3 1/2 gone

for nine days now i have have been heading to the gym to work out. this is what happens in the mornings. it started on monday, october 13th around 4:45 a.m. out the door by 5:00 a.m or a little after, went to the gym walked 2 miles, came back home showered, got mamie up and ready for school and left the house by 7:10 a.m. then tuesday night worked out with weights for about 45 mins, home helped with homework, played with children, got children (with help from husband) ready for bed. then wednesday came, did the same thing as that monday, thursday was the samething as monday. friday didn't feel like going, saturday morning walked and did weights, sunday was lazy. mondays, wednesdays and fridays (when i feel like it )i walk 2 miles. tuesdays and thursday is weights day. so, monday and tuesday rolled around again and it started all over. wednesday - friday off work. friday - sunday out-of-town ate everything i could get my hands on. monday again woke up you know the story, then comes today. worked out with weights and feeling fine. so yes, i am going to do this no matter what, i think i have gotten my body used to getting up that early and will do it again and again and again. as the title reads "3 1/2 GONE" just 30 more to go. i am not going to look at the big picture just each week.

oh, i am going to down load pictures and do a post about our weekend at the camp..... until next time..............

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