Monday, October 6, 2008


tomorrow is the "BIG 40". i will celebrate this day by going to work, maybe lunch with kyle (he has court around 1:00 though), cake with co-workers and going to the ridgeland library with mamie, nolan, mason and jennifer for fire safety week. this picture was taken on our trip this past summer. we celebrated our 10 year anniversary, kyle's "40th" birthday and my "40th" birthday. kyle asked me if i wanted to go out to eat tomorrow night and i said "no, not really". he said "oh, o.k. then". i told him maybe a movie friday night. i really don't want anything, i already have very thing i want, a wonderful husband that loves me for who i am and two wonderful children. what more could i ask for????


The Fab Five said...

You are exactly right! What more could we ask for and happy 40th!!! I hope you have a wondeful day

Tommy, Suzanne, and Mary Peyton said...


to my favorite stranger friend.

maybe we can meet for lunch one day - we'll have to work on that!

ADBulldawgs said...

Happy birthday, Alison! I hope it is as wonderful as you!

The DeLoach Family said...

Happy Birthday Alison!! I hope you have a great one!!

Nikki said...

Happy happy birthday. Hope you have a wonderful day!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a great birthday!