Daddy: Nolan do you see any deer?
Nolan: No, I don't see any deer, daddy.
Momma: They are usually right there.
Nolan: Whrrrr (where)?
Momma: Right there in the woods.
Nolan: I done see them, momma.
Daddy: They don't come out in the summer.
Nolan: Oh. whrrr they go daddy?
Daddy: They go away and sleep.
Nolan: Oh.............
Momma: What do you think deer eat for breakfast?
Nolan: Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, McDonald momma.
Momma: Really, what do they drink?
Nolan: welllllllllllll, water.
Momma: What do the get at McDonald's Nolan?
Nolan: I twink a hamburger with cheese and that wite stuff. (i guess he was talking about mayo)
Then Nolan started talking about how deer sleep, eat and play with their friends.. It was really funny trying to hold a conversation with a three year old. We passed a couple of garbage trucks and cement trucks on the way to the daycare and he would look at them with big wide eyes. We saw a couple of motorcycles and he would say "just like yours daddy, look, daddy look." My little buddy had grown up so much in the last couple of months we can actually understand what he says now............
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