Sunday, November 23, 2008

coughing, coughing and more coughing

well, everyone knows i had to take mamie to after hours last sunday afternoon. well we got some meds and everything seem to be moving along just fine, until wednesday. she started coughing. i called and got her a coughing medicine hoping that would work, but saturday rolled around and she can't stop coughing. we went to kroger yesterday and poor little thing coughed until she just couldn't cough anymore. we got home and i started breathing treatments just hoping that would help. it kind of did, but she woke up coughing her head off again this morning. anyway, i am going to give her the coughing medicine, the other medicine and breathing treatments and just see what that will do for her. if she is not better tomorrow i will be calling doctor and see what is going on.


Tommy, Suzanne, and Mary Peyton said...

bless her heart - and your's, too! oh my goodness - when it rains, it pours!!!

Home Remedies said...

Ask your doctor for more good suggestions on healthy and supplement food. they may give good suggestions on Coughing.

Thanks for share.........