Sunday, April 27, 2008


Well, as you can see from the post below Mamie hasn't been feeling well this weekend. I finally got her to sleep last night and she woke up around 3:30 a.m. telling me her throat was hurting very bad. She wasn't running anymore fever around that time either. She again woke up around 6:00 burning up and saying her throat was hurting again. You could tell something was wrong, just by the way she was talking, it was kind of brassy sounding. I gave her some ibuprofen and she went back to sleep, just to wake up again a couple of hours later running fever. Well, we went to the after hour clinic and sure enough she has STREP. The doctor said that they have had a ton of children coming through with strep this weekend. We got the meds and she is on the right track to recovery. I am amazed at one thing she is over there just playing, laughing and just having a ball. You would never know that she is sick. I am only sad because she has to miss school tomorrow of course she is excited about staying home tomorrow. This child hasn't missed one day of school since she started last August. I am glad that tomorrow is a holiday for me and I don't have to use another day off.

1 comment:

ADBulldawgs said...

Feel better, Mamie! ~ April