Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Update on me

Everything went fine this morning. I am just getting back and I am ready to get something to eat, take my meds and go to sleep. The only part I hated was the needle for the IV, well the first sweet nurse stuck me twice in my right hand and of course my vain rolled, then she went and got another sweet nurse and she stuck me twice in my left hand. OH, DID I TELL YOU I HATE NEEDLES. I was trying so hard to be strong, but tears were running like a river down my cheeks. The first nurse was so sweet, she got a wash cloth, a very cold one at that and washed my face off. She gave me a kiss on the forehead and just kept saying "i am so sorry baby girl", made feel like my own mother was there. Anyway, the second nurse finally got the IV in and I felt much better. I started getting a headache before I went back because I haven't eaten since 8:00 last night and with all the perfume in the waiting area and all the laughing and cutting up in the holding area my head was pounding. The first nurse was so nice she got me something for it and I went to sleep. I don't remember anything after that. So I am home now eating dry toast and ice feeling a little out of it, but doing fine. I just told a friend that I am going to pass a law NO PERFUME in the waiting areas. I don't understand that, why do you have to wear perfume when people don't feel so hot anyway and then they have to smell that stuff. I wear perfume sometimes, but I do consider others when wearing because what I like, might not be something someone else likes. JUST DON'T WEAR IT TO HOSPITAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ADBulldawgs said...

So glad you're home and doing fine! ~ April

Tommy, Suzanne, and Mary Peyton said...

i'm just now reading this....

sorry about your procedure. please let me know if you need some stranger to come help with anything!!!