Friday, April 25, 2008

Went to work today and even a date!

Well, I felt much better this morning so I decided that I would head off to work. When I got to work I was worn out. Here is just a run down of what I did this morning, I got up early took a shower, got Mamie ready for school, took her to school, came back picked up Nolan, took him to daycare and was off to work. I know why I got worn out now. I left work around 3:30 picked up the children, came home gave them baths and then took them to Parents Night Out at Church. Kyle and I had a nice dinner at Biaggi's, it was pretty good, it was just nice to sit down with Kyle and have a conversation without little ones running around. We go to lunch a lot, but it is a little different having a nice dinner with your husband. I guess at lunch we rush through and talk about work stuff and at dinner we have time to enjoy what we are eating and what each other is saying. We got back to the church and all the children were on the play ground, they were all yelling, laughing and having a great time. Nolan was sweating and running around and Mamie was about to fall asleep walking to the car. It didn't take them long to fall asleep. As you can see I had a full day today and I am worn out, but I can't sleep. My body is telling me to go to sleep because I need to rest, but my mind I guess is not ready for that right now. We have a full weekend as well ahead of us, cleaning house, soccer party and maybe a dirt bike race out-of-town. I am off on Monday and I am looking forward to a little sewing. I have some of the cutest fabric and I can't wait to start Mamie's dresses or shorts or a pair of pants. I haven't made up my mind on what to make for her, but for Nolan it is all shorts. I will have to take some pictures and show off my sewing. It is not the best in the world, but it does hold up to a 5 1/2 year old little girl and a rough 2 1/2 year old boy. Anyway, I guess I am off to bed to read or just play on the computer. Hope you all have a great weekend.

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